Forms of resistance
Forms of resistance
Original painting medium: Acrylic Paint, on cradled wooden panel, unframed.
Forms of resistance in this context refers to the stubbornly unmoving walls of a structure along with the unauthorised expressions of its current occupants.
The painting is made up of layers of differing methods of applying paint, reflecting a human connection with the material. Whilst also incorporating more controlled techniques of transferring photographic elements.
‘Forms of resistance’ represents the essence of a place whose identity and history tenuously clings on to it’s very existence. As time moves inexorably forward, it’s erasure is both inevitable and present, As the sea uses it’s very own stones against it, eroding the structures and stories that accompany them.
An old brickworks on the edge of a country, slides and dissintegrates into the sea. The particles and memories off to become something new, somewhere new, somewhere else.
As one last hurrah before it disappears, it is adopted as a haven for outsiders. A temporal ‘cynefyn’, as well as a physical structure it provides a place of refuge adorned with symbols of identity, tags, images with hidden meanings and piles of charcoal in random fireplaces.
This place on the edge, offers a temporary sense of belonging to those on the periphery, and my interpretation of it, one moment in a sea of constant change.